What is El Chupacabra?

Calico, California / USA - August 23, 2015: A chupacabra in a showcase in Calico Ghost Town, Calico, California, USA

The legend of El Chupacabra is one that has captivated people around the world for decades. This mysterious creature is said to roam the lands and attack livestock, earning it a reputation as a bloodthirsty beast.

But is Chupacabra real, or is it just a myth? In this blog post, we will explore the origins of the legend, the physical characteristics of the creature, reported sightings and encounters, and possible explanations for its existence.

Origins of the Legend

In 1975, livestock killings in the town of Moca, Puerto Rico were attributed to a creature known as el vampiro de Moca (‘the vampire of Moca’).

It was initially believed that a Satanic cult was responsible for the attacks, but as more incidents occurred and animals were found with small circular incisions and drained of blood, a different explanation was sought.

The first reported attack attributed to the Chupacabra occurred in 1995, when eight sheep were found dead in Puerto Rico with puncture wounds and drained of blood.

In the months following this incident, an eyewitness named Madelyne Tolentino claimed to have seen the Chupacabra in the town of Canóvanas, where it was blamed for the deaths of 150 farm animals and pets.

The term “Chupacabra” was popularized by Puerto Rican comedian and entrepreneur Silverio Pérez.

The name “El Chupacabra” itself, which means “goat-sucker” in Spanish, was coined by the media and quickly caught on as a way to describe the creature.

Soon after the first reported attacks in Puerto Rico, similar incidents were reported in other countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and the United States.

As the legend spread, more and more people began to claim to have seen or encountered El Chupacabra, and the physical characteristics of the creature became more defined.

It was described as a reptilian or humanoid creature, standing at around four feet tall, with spines or quills running down its back, fangs, and glowing red eyes.

Some accounts even claimed that it could change shape or camouflage itself.

Despite the many reported sightings and encounters with the Chupacabra, there is still much debate over the creature’s existence.

Some believe that it is a real animal, while others think it is a hoax or a myth.

Without concrete evidence, it is difficult to say for sure what is behind the legend of the Chupacabra.

Regardless of what is behind the legend of the Chupacabra, it remains a topic of fascination for many people around the world.

Whether it is a real animal or a myth, the mystery of the Chupacabra is sure to continue for years to come.

Physical Characteristics

As mentioned, El Chupacabra is often described as a reptilian or humanoid creature standing at around four feet tall. It has a number of physical characteristics that set it apart from other animals.

One of the most notable features of El Chupacabra is its spines or quills, which run down its back and are said to be venomous. It also has fangs, which it uses to puncture the necks of its victims and drain their blood. Its eyes are often described as glowing red, adding to its fearsome appearance.

In addition to these characteristics, some accounts claim that El Chupacabra has the ability to change shape or camouflage itself, making it difficult to spot in the wild. It is also said to be incredibly fast and agile, able to outrun humans and other animals with ease.

Sightings and Encounters

Over the years, there have been numerous reported sightings and encounters with El Chupacabra. In many cases, the creature is spotted near areas where livestock have been killed or injured, leading some to believe that it is responsible for the attacks.


According to an article from the San Juan Star, published on May 6, 1996, and written by Robert Friedman, the legend of the Chupacabra has been spreading to various locations including the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, and Florida.

The Chupacabra, known in Spanish as the “goatsucker” and described as a vampire-like creature that kills and drains the blood of barnyard animals, has reportedly been spotted in the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Miami.

While some believe the Chupacabra to be a real animal, others view it as a recurring legend, particularly prevalent in Latin America.

According to anthropologists, Hispanic historians, and others, the legend of the Chupacabra may be seen as an unconscious means of rebellion against capitalism, as it is often analyzed as a metaphor for the way in which capitalism “sucks dry” the earth and the people living on it.

The Chupacabra has also been compared to other blood-sucking legends such as the Loup Garou and the Moca vampire, both of which have been studied as “collective fantasies” or expressions of fear and suspicion among poorer communities.


According to a 2009 report from TV station KSAT, a man in Texas claims to have a mythical chupacabra, a creature known for its role in the killing and draining of blood from barnyard animals, in his freezer.

The animal, described as gray in color with leathery, hairless skin and large fangs, was reportedly found in a barn by a former student of the man, Jerry Ayer, a teacher at the Blanco Taxidermy School in Blanco, Texas.

Ayer plans to preserve the animal with taxidermy and hopes that a local museum will display it for others to see.

Sightings of the chupacabra have been reported in various locations including Puerto Rico, where 150 farm animals were reportedly killed by the beast, and Chile to Maine.

Despite appearances on the History Channel’s “Monster Quest,” previous finds similar to the one in Blanco have been determined to be dogs or coyotes.



In 2018, there were numerous reports of suspected Chupacabras in Manipur, India, but forensic experts determined that street dogs were responsible for the deaths of domestic animals and poultry.


In October 2019, a video surfaced showing the results of an alleged Chupacabra attack on chickens in the Seburuquillo sector of Lares, Puerto Rico.

Possible Explanations

So, what could be behind the legend of El Chupacabra? There are a number of theories that have been proposed over the years.

Another animal

One theory about the Chupacabra is that it is a misidentified animal that has been exaggerated or distorted in the telling of the legend.

This theory suggests that the Chupacabra may actually be a coyote or a large bird of prey, rather than a mysterious and unknown creature.

While this theory cannot be definitively proven, it is a possible explanation for the legend of the Chupacabra and the reported sightings of the creature.

Hoax or myth

One possibility is that El Chupacabra is a hoax or a myth, created by people looking to explain the strange deaths of livestock in their communities.

Some have suggested that the creature is simply a misidentified animal, such as a coyote or a large bird of prey, that has been exaggerated or distorted in the telling of the legend.

Genetically engineered or mutated

Another theory is that El Chupacabra is a genetically engineered or mutated animal, created either by humans or by some sort of natural occurrence.

Some proponents of this theory point to the creature’s unusual physical characteristics and abilities, such as its venomous spines and ability to change shape, as evidence that it is not a naturally occurring animal.


There are also those who believe that El Chupacabra is an extraterrestrial being, either a visitor from another planet or a previously unknown species that have evolved on Earth.

Some claim that the creature’s ability to drain the blood of its victims is evidence of its alien origins, as it would be a unique trait for an Earth-based animal to possess.


Despite the many theories and alleged sightings, the true nature of El Chupacabra remains a mystery.

Some believe that it is a real creature, while others think it is a myth or a hoax. Without concrete evidence, it is difficult to say for sure what is behind the legend of El Chupacabra.

Regardless of whether it is real or not, the legend of El Chupacabra continues to captivate the imagination of people around the world.

Whether it is a bloodthirsty beast, a misidentified animal, a genetically engineered creature, or an extraterrestrial being, the mystery of El Chupacabra is sure to remain a topic of fascination for years to come.

Chris Beckett

Chris Becket is an author and amateur "cryptozoologist" who is obsessed with finding the truth about Bigfoot and other mysterious creatures. He's spent countless hours (and probably a few too many dollars) studying and investigating reports of strange animals and phenomena, and he's convinced he's an expert on everything from Bigfoot to the Yeti.

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